HomeAll Articles &Β NotesMy 2022 Reading List

My 2022 Reading List

Reading List: This is my reading list β€” there are many like it but this one is mine. As an ever-evolving list of books I’m hoping to read (or in many cases re-read) in 2023. High school classics, nonfiction, sci-f, mystery and fantasy - with everything in-between. Some are short while others are long. I'm excited for where the journey will take me.

The 2022 Selection: ‍

Motivation for Sharing: I've always done well with sharing my goals with others β€” it helps me keep accountable. I missed out reading much of my child and adult life - and for my 33rd year on this earth, it's time for me to catch up. Some stories/books take 1-2 hours, and some take may more than that. For each book, I take notes and write a reflection - a journal entry if you will. So that I take an opportunity to critcally think about the thing I just ingested. It may include notes, wrap in other stories, so and and so forth. This meant to expand my wiriting and critical thinking skills. Here is MY List:

Finished Reading β€”

Up Next β€”

Short Term β€”

Long Term β€”

Β© Made By Keegan, 2020 | The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney